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How to Get Back in Work Mode After the Holidays...


And not burn out on the first day. 


Long Christmas and New Year holidays are, of course, wonderful. But, they have another side too - they are physically and mentally exhausting.


When we go back to work after long holidays, we don’t always feel fresh and rested. The rhythm is lost, and there is not enough energy to work. During this period, it is very easy to burn out and feel detached and emotionally empty.


In families with children, parents may also experience an emotional parental burnout. It happens that parents, especially if they work a lot, feel some guilt towards their children because they do not pay enough attention to them. During the New Year holidays, they are actively trying to fill this gap. This is where there is a danger of overdoing it and feeling burnt out.


To prevent this from happening, try to distribute responsibility for entertaining children among family members. Allow yourself to be in peace, silence, and solitude. Try to engage in your favorite hobbies to gain energy. Take your children to the park more often or go to places where there are other children, so you can spend some time being an observer rather than participating in the games or entertainment.


Let's look at how you can help yourself tune in to everyday work and easily get into the working rhythm.


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