The Uncertainty in Making Independent Decisions
"When you start solving a problem, the most difficult solutions come to mind first, and most people stop there. But if you continue to think further, if you delve into the problem, and start peeling away layer by layer, as if peeling an onion, you come to the most elegant and simple solution. Most people simply don't have the strength to do it or time." Steve P. Jobs
Surely many of us can remember several cases in our lives when sleepless nights, loss of appetite, nervousness or irritability were associated with a fairly simple, on the one hand, but on the other hand, an insanely difficult problem for us, at that time, a decision had to be made.
In our lives, we are constantly faced with the need to make decisions - from choosing a banal breakfast to complex life decisions. At the same time, one person changes his life with ease and without regret, while another perso n experiences difficulty making decisions.
One of the main reasons for our difficulty in making decisions is the fear of making the wrong decision. We are often afraid to make choices that could harm us or others. We may also fear responsibility for our decisions, especially if they seem very important.A person prefers to avoid changes so as not to be disappointed in the decision made.
Another reason for our difficulty in making decisions is our lack of confidence in our abilities. We may doubt our ability to make good decisions.
The third reason is the constant analysis of your actions. A person tries to weigh the consequences of his decision. Often such reflections go too far, not helping to make decisions, but, on the contrary, delaying the process. Each time he returns to the problem, he finds more and more circumstances, factors and other little things to postpone making a decision. Over time, the problem loses its relevance, accumulating a whole tangle of unresolved issues.
These reasons (Fear, doubts, weighing, worries) force a person to postpone important issues, the solution of which may determine his future life. But sometimes difficulties when making independent decisions arise even in small things.
Here's an easy example:
A man who was raised by his mother, who invested all her love, care and affection in him, in adulthood is unable to buy clothes or shoes on his own.
If he does not find a woman to replace his mother in time, it becomes a disaster for him. In search of clothes, he goes around all the stores, subconsciously trying to find a flaw in everything. He feels awkward under the gaze of impatient salespeople, which further deprives him of confidence and ability to make a decision.
The most difficult step for people who have difficulty making independent decisions is to realize what is happening. Often, to seek help, indecisive people need outside advice from people they trust.
What are the dangers of not making a decision?
Of course, any important decision requires thought and awareness. Only by “postponing” the choice of options for the one and only, true and correct decision for us, we:
- We lose our strength and energy,
- Become restless, depressed
- Our life either stands still or flows through our fingers like water into sand.
Here are some tips for acquiring the decision-making skill:
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